Yours In The Struggle

ramblings and other thoughts from Paul Kawata (

Tuesday, October 27

The Boy from OZ

I met Peter at his Birthday party at Judy Peabody's. An amazing talent and an amazing women

Sunday, October 18

Devastating Article In Washington Post

There is a devastating article in Sunday’s Washington Post about how the DC AIDS dollars are being squandered. Please go to

This story, coupled with what is happening in California really asks the question about the future of AIDS services, the future of minority CBOs, and the future of our movement.

Any thoughts about what this all means? I would appreciate your input.

Thursday, October 8

October Stakeholder Conference Call
State Budget Cuts: Is California Our Future?
Tuesday, Oct 20th @ 1:00 PM (Eastern)/10:00 AM (Pacific)

Our October call will be on “State Budget Cuts: Is California Our Future?” Please join us on Tuesday, Oct. 20th at 1:00 p.m. (Eastern)/10:00 a.m. (Pacific). The call in number is 1-605-475-6333; code: 481162. You may e-mail your questions to or send them through Twitter:

We will be joined by Anne Donnelly, from Project Inform; Julie Cross, a Health and Disability Policy Consultant; and Julie Scofield or Laura Hanen from the National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD) who has done a summary of all 50 states and their HIV/AIDS state budgets.