Help Haitian Orphans Living With HIV

I am sure that like me, you are saddened and shocked by the devastation in Haiti. Among the most vulnerable are orphans affected by HIV/AIDS who already face daily hardships and challenges. Fortunately, our friends at in Jacmel, Haiti have been leading the way in providing a loving home to 13 children affected by HIV/AIDS.
Their co-Founder Luke Montgomery informed me moments ago that thankfully all 13 children survived the recent earthquake. However, their home was destroyed and the children and caregivers were left on the street with no possessions.
Luke and his compassionate friends have created the web site to raise emergency funds for these children to ensure that they can rebuild their home and receive the medical care, clothing and other supplies needed to maintain their health and safety..
If you are moved to contribute, your funds will not go to One Heartland, rather they will go directly to the charity ""
While we are separated by distance and language, we have a sense of shared humanity with the Haitian people. I am hopeful our friends in Jacmel can rebuild soon so these children are assured of a much brighter future.