Howard Grossman Resigns From AAHIVM

The American Academy of HIV Medicine (AAHIVM) has announced the resignation of Dr. Howard Grossman from his position of Executive Director. Dr. Grossman, who came to the Academy from his New York City-based private practice, has served in the position since November, 2004, presiding over the organization’s move to Washington, D.C. from Los Angeles, CA.
“It is with mixed emotions that I make this move, which I am doing to pursue other professional opportunities and to fulfill family obligations,” said Dr. Grossman. “I am grateful that I was able to help bring the Academy to the Nation’s capital, and to have assembled a talented and dedicated D.C. staff that will contribute significantly to the Academy’s future growth.”
“Dr. Howard Grossman saw the Academy through a challenging move over the last 16 months, and we are grateful for his longtime service, first as a founding Academy board member and then as executive director,” said Dr. Jeffrey Schouten, AAHIVM Board Chair-elect. “We wish him well in his future endeavors."
According to Dr. Schouten, the Executive Committee of the AAHIVM Board of Directors will work closely with the national office staff to maintain the organization’s day-to-day operations while it conducts an executive search. Brian Hujdich, Senior Director & Director of Professional Development and Credentialing, has been named the Interim Executive Director. “The Board is confident in the capacity of our leadership and ability of our staff to continue moving the Academy forward with our programs and member services,” said Dr. Schouten. “We know that this time of change is ultimately a time of growth for the Academy.
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