Fighting The Good Fight

Have you ever fought for something that you think you will probably lose? Do you become Don Quixote chasing windmills or do you shut-up because it’s a losing cause? This week we are fighting for $400 million in the Senate Stimulus Package for STD/HIV prevention. We may lose, all the Sunday morning talk shows say that we will be the sacrificial lamb to the Right.
In the face of this defeat, I say we fight. We fight because even if we lose, we want both our friends and our foes on the Hill to know that will go quietly into the night. We fight because this is probably our only chance for significant new money for HIV/AIDS. We fight because the last 8 years have decimated the HIV/AIDS infrastructure in the US.
Please call your Senators, send out Action Alerts to your friends, and remember that we survived the last 8 years, we can survive anything.
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