Women Of Color Training
On behalf of the National Minority AIDS Council we would like to invite you to our Women of Color Leadership Institute in Los Angeles, CA. on September 9-11, 2009. The training is 3 full days and limited to 25 women. The training is hosted by the National Minority AIDS Education and Training Center at:
Cobb Student Lounge
(Located in the W. Montague Cobb Medical Education Building)
Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science
1731 E 120th St
Los Angeles, CA 90059-3051
The Women of Color Leadership Institute (WOCLI) Training, designed by the Division of Government Relations and Public Policy (GRPP) at the National Minority AIDS Council (NMAC) in Washington, D.C., is aimed at achieving greater and more meaningful participation of women of color in decision-making at all levels to ensure programs, policies and funding respond to the unique impact of chronic diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer and others on women.
The training consists of five modulesl. Training modules will equip and empower a cadre of confident, knowledgeable and skilled women leaders to 1) advocate at all levels for effective women’s health policies and increased funding to address the unique impact of chronic disease such as HIV/AIDS, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer and others on women and girls, and 2) prevent the spread and mitigate the effects of chronic diseases through high quality, gender sensitive, community-based women’s health programs and services. Major activities carried out under each training component include a needs assessment on women’s leadership, management, advocacy and women’s health knowledge and skills.
The WOCLI training is highly participatory, providing a supportive learning environment for exchange of best practices and leadership experiences, depth in government relations, program development and communication, media and collaboration. Participants will develop a greater appreciation for their individual leadership styles and capabilities and enhance their program development, sustainability and advocacy competencies.
Training consists of the following modules:
Introduction on Women’s Health and Health Disparities
Leadership Development
Government Relations and Public Policy
Program Development
Communication and Media
NMAC seeks 25 - 30 women of color for each training. This training is open to local health departments, other public health entities, community- and faith-based organizations as well as local academic institutions. Although criteria are not static, we intend to recruit a group of women of color from various health care and other backgrounds, committed to leadership in women’s health. As such, NMAC screens applicants and selects participants in a way that creates a balance of experience during the training.
The training is free of charge, however, NMAC does not provide transportation and lodging to and from the training. During the training provided under NMAC funding, NMAC will provide both breakfast and lunch for the three days of training.
For more information, please contact Ludmilla Wikkeling-Scott
Ludmilla F. Wikkeling-Scott, Policy Associate
Division of Government Relations and Public Policy
National Minority AIDS Council
1931 - 13th Street, 2nd Floor
Washington, DC 20009-4432
202-483-6622 Office, Extension 316
202-483-1127 Fax
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