USCA: Special Scholarships, ADAP Track & ADAP Plenary
Applications Due Aug 16th
This year at the United States Conference on AIDS (USCA/ http://www.2010usca.org ) we will focus on two main policy issues:
- AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP)
- National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS)
If we are going to be the movement necessary to address the challenges of HIV/AIDS, we must organize at the city, state and federal levels. At this years USCA, we want to continue this important dialogue.
We will offer an additional 50 Part B Scholarships. Applications due Aug 16th
- 40 for HIV Positive Individuals
- Priority #1 Consumers on ADAP Waiting Lists
- Priority #2 Consumers Removed From ADAP Due To Changes In Income Eligibility
- Priority #3 Consumers on ADAP
- Priority #4 HIV Positive Individuals
- 10 for State ADAP Directors
This scholarship (B) will give the recipients
- One USCA Registration
- $100 Travel Voucher
- Two Night Hotel @ Official Conference Hotel
We want to make the application as simple as possible. The first scholarships are only for HIV Positive Individuals. For priorities #1 or #2, please forward a copy of the letter that documents you are on a waiting list or that you were removed from ADAP. If you are a consumer on ADAP or HIV Positive, we need a letter from your local community based organization (CBO) verifying you are a client. Be sure to include your name, address, phone number and email address. Send information to info@nmac.org or fax it to 202-483-1135. Due August 16th
These scholarships applications will be reviewed with the following priorities
- Consumers on ADAP Waiting Lists
- Consumers who were removed from ADAP due to changes in income eligibility
- PWAs Who Do ADAP Advocacy
- Regional Diversity (we will give priority to people from 13 states that have waiting lists or the 4 states that have lowered income eligibility as of Aug 6th per National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors [NASTAD])
- PWAs that get additional support to attend the meeting from their local CBO
- Limit One PWA Scholarship Per Agency
For state ADAP directors, just send us an email (info@nmac.org) with all your contact information, we will confirm with NASTAD. This scholarships will be on a first come, first serve basis. Due August 16th
While At USCA
While at USCA you are free to attend any session that peaks your interest. If you are willing, we would like you to participate in workshop #1 The Stories Behind The Numbers—PWAs on ADAP Waiting Lists
Below are the workshops for the ADAP track at USCA. We want to thank NASTAD, AIDS Foundation of Chicago and Project Inform for their sessions. We also want to thank the 13 national executive directors who are coming together to do an unprecedented workshop together. This is not the order the workshops will happen, that is still being determined.
1) The Stories Behind The Numbers—PWAs On ADAP Waiting List
This session will tell the stories behind the numbers. We will hear directly from PWAs on ADAP waiting lists, what it means to wait. What it means to not know where you will get your medications. We want to work with community based organizations to help them tell the stories of their clients on waiting lists. To give a human face to the numbers. The session will both tell the stories and train organizers on how to use video to tell the stories of their clients
2) Securing a Bridge for ADAPs through 2014 – ADAP Advocacy
Ann Lefert, National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors
Ryan Clary, Project Inform
This session will discuss the current ADAP crisis and the need for efforts to increase resources for the program through the implementation of health reform in 2014. A grassroots organization, Save America’s ADAPs, will highlight their advocacy efforts and ways to become more involved in federal and state-level advocacy. State-based successes will also be highlighted.
3) ADAP Cost Containment Measures – How do states how to limit costs?
Murray Penner, National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors
Ann Lefert, National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors
State Health Departments are faced by many decisions when looking to manage costs in their ADAPs. This session will provide a detailed overview of different cost-containment measures that ADAPs have used to manage their ADAP funds and how the decisions to implement restrictions were made. The session will also highlight the opportunities in working with your state health department on ADAP management and advocacy.
4) National EDs What You Can Expect From Your National Organizations
- Gulliermo Chacon (Latino Commission on AIDS/LCA)
- Allan Clear (Harm Reduction Coalition/HRC)
- Julie Davids (Community HIV/AIDS Mobilization Project/CHAMP)
- Kandy Ferree (National AIDS Fund/NAF)
- C. Virginia Fields (National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS/NBLCA)
- Anna Ford (Urban Coalition on HIV/AIDS Prevention Services/UCHAPS)
- Paul Kawata (National Minority AIDS Council/NMAC)
- Frank Oldham (National Association of People with AIDS/NAPWA)
- Julie Rhoad (Names Project)
- Michael Ruppal (AIDS Institute)
- William Smith (National Coalition of STD Directors/NCSD)
- Carole Treston (AIDS Alliance)
- Dana Van Gorder (Project Inform/PI)
This is your opportunity to meet and talk with the Executive Directors of National HIV/AIDS Organizations. To hear about their advocacy agendas and the services they can offer your agency. This is not focused just on ADAP, it will cover all the issues that are priorities to these organizations.
5) Building State and Local Advocacy Coalitions
David Munar, AIDS Foundation of Chicago
For us to be an effective national movement, we need to build state and local advocacy coalitions. This session will examine successful models in Chicago and Illinois as a template for you to build your own coalition. We will look at practical steps you need to take to set-up our own network.
6) Who Is Welvista and How Are They Helping PWAs on Waiting Lists?
Welvista is a nonprofit organization that fills prescriptions for patients who are uninsured and underinsured— with the HIV/AIDS medications that will help patients maintain their independence. Enrollment in the program is virtually automatic for anyone currently certified on an ADAP waiting list and the program will provide direct access to no-cost HIV medications. Welvista will be working with states across the nation to become their pharmacy connection in providing these patients with the HIV medications. It is their hope that other private sector partners will join us to further expand the medication reach to even more patients.
ADAP Plenary
The ADAP plenary lunch will be on Tuesday, September 14th from 11:45 to 1:30 PM This plenary is being produced by the NASTAD. Please go to http://www.nmac.org/index/2010-usca-agenda to get the full agenda for this year’s meeting.
The National HIV/AIDS Strategy is the other policy priority for this meeting. We are very excited to announce that Health and Human Services (HHS) is coordinating the closing plenary entitled The National HIV/AIDS Strategy: Taking Steps to Make it Real at the Community Level. This lunch plenary is scheduled for Wednesday, September 15th from 11:45 AM to 2:00 PM. The session will be led by Dr. Ronald Valdiserri, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health, Infectious Diseases, at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and Jeffrey Crowley, Director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy. More details to follow shortly.
Notes About The Scholarship
Since the scholarships in the first priority are for HIV positive individuals, your HIV status will not be confidential. Applications will be reviewed by a team of internal and external members.
Scholarship Hotel
All scholarship recipients must make their own hotel reservations.
Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek
14100 Bonnet Creek Resort Lane
Orlando, Florida 32821
Room Rate (single or double): $139.00
Waldorf Astoria Orlando
14200 Bonnet Creek Resort Lane
Orlando, Florida 32821
Room Rate (single or double): $199.00
Reservations for both hotels can be made by calling 1-800-HILTONS or via http://www.hilton.com.
Please note: Make sure to enter the Group/Convention Code “ZNMA” when making reservations online and mention the conference name - USCA - when making reservations via phone to access the conference rates.
$100 Travel Voucher
You can pick up your $100 travel voucher onsite at USCA. A booth will be set-up in the registration area to get your voucher. The booth will be open during regular registration hours.
P.S. I want to thank Michael Emanuel Rajner for this great idea!
Thank you for providing this tremendous opportunity to support people living with HIV/AIDS and most affected by the national crisis with our AIDS Drug Assistance Programs to learn more about the issue and then set them loose as a volunteer army of advocates to be the affected voice of people living with HIV/AIDS.
People living with HIV/AIDS must take the time to meeting with their lawmakers and their staff to educate them on how the issue impacts their lives. We as a community, must stand by their side to provide safe space to learn and and ensure their message is well crafted and impactful.
With you in the Fight!
Michael Emanuel Rajner
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