NMAC Statement on President Obama’s FY2012 Budget Request

“Yesterday, President Obama released his budget request for fiscal year 2012. In his proposed budget, the President makes difficult decisions regarding spending reductions, while prioritizing programs that are essential to keeping Americans safe and healthy and our economy on the path to recovery.
“The National Minority AIDS Council was pleased to see that the President stayed true to his commitment to addressing the AIDS epidemic by requesting additional funds for many federal HIV/AIDS programs and pushing for funding to implement the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. Particularly promising is the increase of $80 million put forward by the President for the nation’s AIDS Drug Assistance Programs, which have faced a catastrophic funding crisis, resulting in wait lists and enrollment caps in several states across the country.
“Still, on the heels of proposals by Republicans in the House of Representatives to cut spending by $100 billion in 2011, NMAC knows that we have a tough road ahead. The new House majority has made clear that getting the nation’s fiscal house in order is their top priority, but they must not do so on the backs of our nation’s most vulnerable citizens. The AIDS epidemic poses a serious public health risk to our country and one of the most pressing human rights challenges of our time. Our nation’s response must reflect the severity of that challenge.”
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